What Does Different Orders Status Mean on Fiverr?
What Does Different Orders Status Mean on Fiverr?
Fiverr Orders Status Mean
In Fiverr order status help seller to understand the priority, Active, In Progress, etc. These are some order status that most of time we see on Fiverr as seller. This is very helpful for seller it gives path to understand how many orders in progress. Which client order is in progress in Seller profile and How many orders is completed in seller profile on Fiverr.
What Does “New Order” Status Mean on Fiverr
What Does “Active Order” Mean on Fiverr
Active Order status mean on Fiverr is very simple that which order is available to complete with in time limit. As maximum active order on Fiverr make seller so much busy to complete order with in time limit. This “Active Order” label make seller to understand to manage time to complete every single active order on Fiverr with in time limit.
What Does “Incomplete Order” Mean on Fiverr
“Incomplete order” mean on Fiverr is that an order that seller not have complete with in given time period. This option of incomplete order is show in Fiverr Seller Dashboard. Seller have to wait of Buyer reply of incomplete order with requirement to complete again.